Noida authority sanctions Rs. 32 crore for various Civic projects

Noida authority sanctions Rs. 32 crore for various Civic projects

The Noida authority on Sunday said that it has sanctioned Rs. 32 crore for several projects in various areas, mostly sectors 72 to 79, to address civic issues. The funds will be spent on constructing drain walls along internal roads, construction of drainage network, development of green belt and beautification of footpaths, among others, said officials.

The authority has also decided to spend a part of the amount on constructing community centres in sectors 73, 112, 116 and 117. Apart from this, the authority on Sunday also started various works worth Rs. 7 crore for streamlining traffic in these sectors. Noida MLA Pankaj Singh and Gautam Budh Nagar MP Dr Mahesh Sharma inaugurated these projects on Sunday.

The authority said that it is already carrying out projects of at least Rs. 150 crore in these sectors with an aim to address the issue of traffic congestion and improving basic amenities. The authority is building an underpass on traffic intersection of sectors 71 and 51, a flyover at Parthala roundabout and resurfacing the internal roads in these sectors.

Source: HT News  (read complete news at HT website)